Who is looking for the best lasagna with a bechamel? That would be me! After researching many traditional recipes for lasagna, I came up with a recipe that definitely provides all the flavors that I wanted. It has always been one of my tests when checking out a new Italian restaurant. One, how good is their lasagna, and two, do they use a bechamel. In my opinion, all that cheesy goodness with a hearty bolognese sauce just can’t be beaten.

I always like to make extra bolognese when making my lasagna in order to freeze some sauce for later. So don’t get too excited if you find yourself with extra in my recipe. When plating my lasagna, I may add an extra spoonful or two. I am a big fan of a meaty lasagna!

I hope you enjoy the recipe. Don’t forget to leave some comments and let me know how your lasagna turned out! As always, thanks for Spending Time in My Kitchen!