Elote is probably the best version of corn on the cob on the planet! When you put together mayo, sour cream, chile powder, and other herbs and spices, and cook it on the grill; that taste combination is just amazing!

Since the season for corn on the cob is May through September, this is the perfect time to take care of our corn cravings. I have always thought of elote as a great side dish, especially for your Backyard BBQ.

The other day I was thinking about how much I like polenta. What would it taste like if I made an elote-style polenta? Check here for further discussion of polenta. And that’s where this recipe came from. I made some corn on the cob elote with all the wonderful elote spices. I cut the corn off the cob and added it to a spiced elote polenta. Oh my…it tasted so good!

We really shouldn’t stop there. Take your Taco Tuesday leftovers and add that to your Polenta Elote. You will find this Polenta Elote as a stepping stone for further experimentation.
Please leave some comments and let me know your perfect polenta dish! This recipe definitely gives you a taste and feel of eating elote. I hope you enjoy it and again; Thanks for Spending Time in My Kitchen!

Pingback: The Best Roasted Corn Salad Recipe - Spending Time In My Kitchen
Did you possibly reverse the amounts of polenta and broth? I think it should be 1 cup polenta, 5 cups broth, no? Sounds delicious otherwise!!
I sure did! Thanks for the catch!